In any good relationship, you give me a foot of respect, and I'll pay you back.
You teach you what other people do to you.
You can choose whatever you like.
"even if you can't get married, it doesn't matter."
Spend your money on a knife, and spend your true feelings on someone who deserves your attention.
When you reach middle age, stay away from those who are "chronically short of money".
Be a self-disciplined person, cherish your body, cultivate your character, and live with no regrets.
Deep to the bone of self-discipline is to persist in doing these four things
The circle of life
Think about something before you go to bed
In fact, the password of happiness is in our own hands.
People's Daily: 18 little things to improve happiness, it is recommended to keep them forever!
The mood is rapidly changing, between the thought of "beauty and ugliness".
When you reach middle age, your face is your heart.
The important thing is to live your life in your own way. ​
Never explain yourself to others.
Have no regrets in life
Think about something before you go to bed