Think about something before you go to bed
Think about something before you go to bed
Live with a smile

there are some people and some things that we cannot force, nor can we force them to come. Once, has become a memory; now, make good use of it; future, still need to work hard. Maintain an open-minded state of mind, do not let yourself live tired, let alone let your heart too tired. There is no insurmountable hurdle in life, there is no insurmountable bend. The road is under our feet, and we need to walk on our own. No matter how much wind and rain we have to go through, we should work hard to keep going. Learn to let go, banish those things that have been lost or can not get out of the heart, give yourself a quiet space, return yourself a leisurely state of mind; let yourself face gains and losses calmly, smile and live happily in the present.

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