Only a two-way hug can be regarded as love.
"there's a relationship, and it's over when I stop taking the initiative."
Keep the pure land of your heart and make it easy for the rest of your life.
Smart people, three do not ask, four do not argue
You can be at ease only if you have nothing to worry about.
A wise man doesn't ask questions all his life.
The girl who loves herself will always have the best life.
3.8, a special day, write to a special self
Happiness consists in contentment
Think about something before you go to bed
Live a beautiful life! ​
Think about something before you go to bed
The essence of awakening is to ask inward.
The three Awakens of Life (Deep text)
Calm down, is a person's top charm.
Calm down (depth good text)
Less is more, less is bliss.
The top level of health care is not sleep, not exercise, but.